Records: 52
Rank | Name | Time | Date |
1 | Soup -tt | 28.128 | 2020-11-13 22:59:49 UTC |
2 | sillyykittyy | 29.448 | 2020-10-12 08:13:24 UTC |
3 | Sc4re | 29.544 | 2022-11-05 21:08:53 UTC |
4 | hawkks | 29.880 | 2020-03-17 23:30:35 UTC |
5 | DeZerter | 29.888 | 2020-11-13 22:47:28 UTC |
6 | m | 30.024 | 2018-10-07 18:35:16 UTC |
7 | tux | 30.600 | 2018-10-07 18:11:45 UTC |
8 | xt4zy | 31.464 | 2018-10-07 18:09:27 UTC |
9 | stn | 32.112 | 2020-11-13 21:41:02 UTC |
10 | hashykk | 32.208 | 2018-10-07 18:16:46 UTC |
11 | xclu | 32.496 | 2018-10-07 21:26:32 UTC |
12 | charlychad | 33.400 | 2024-05-06 21:39:19 UTC |
13 | Møotes | 33.720 | 2021-11-13 12:22:09 UTC |
14 | how do i use my mouse? | 34.376 | 2020-02-14 23:20:36 UTC |
15 | mrbØi | 34.608 | 2020-11-14 10:28:56 UTC |
16 | MicFragger | 35.424 | 2018-10-07 16:14:07 UTC |
17 | RAPTORIOUS | 36.016 | 2022-11-05 21:32:45 UTC |
18 | istwo | 36.248 | 2020-04-11 08:09:18 UTC |
19 | ɴɪᴜ | 36.384 | 2018-10-07 18:01:40 UTC |
20 | Nightmare | 37.024 | 2023-07-12 18:24:36 UTC |
21 | GoA1 | 37.296 | 2020-03-17 21:15:08 UTC |
22 | catrunner´(• ﻌ •)` | 38.552 | 2020-03-17 23:08:59 UTC |
23 | kΐsϻeէ 丹๖ۣۜZ5丹฿ᴚ㍶ | 38.576 | 2022-11-05 23:06:06 UTC |
24 | TURBOŚcierwojad | 38.920 | 2018-11-22 16:32:47 UTC |
25 | Apex | 40.048 | 2022-11-05 21:07:37 UTC |
26 | courtney | 40.616 | 2022-10-11 18:52:52 UTC |
27 | testereler | 40.936 | 2018-10-07 21:26:35 UTC |
28 | Anal Express | 41.384 | 2020-03-17 22:49:21 UTC |
29 | Raven | 41.760 | 2020-06-28 10:01:56 UTC |
30 | AlaskanGreg | 42.616 | 2018-10-24 03:35:51 UTC |
31 | 777terraastroix | 43.552 | 2018-10-07 16:44:06 UTC |
32 | Hex | 43.560 | 2021-08-02 06:15:56 UTC |
33 | Derv_ | 44.040 | 2020-10-12 08:01:23 UTC |
34 | no fucks to give | 45.120 | 2024-06-01 08:04:50 UTC |
35 | Xinosira | 45.928 | 2023-12-20 01:13:35 UTC |
36 | k[]disha | 45.944 | 2018-10-10 22:57:48 UTC |
37 | Waldo | 46.776 | 2023-04-11 12:43:31 UTC |
38 | dyf3s | 47.248 | 2018-10-14 11:56:46 UTC |
39 | PACPACPACPAC | 48.920 | 2020-11-14 10:21:41 UTC |
40 | Le_SaRo | 49.376 | 2021-11-25 20:34:48 UTC |
41 | ihmiskilpi | 49.488 | 2022-11-05 21:48:09 UTC |
42 | this that dont tell ya mom shit | 50.392 | 2018-10-22 22:53:11 UTC |
43 | moti | 50.880 | 2022-11-05 21:08:06 UTC |
44 | QUHSA | 59.176 | 2023-05-01 09:55:10 UTC |
45 | SouL | 1:01.352 | 2022-11-05 23:38:35 UTC |
46 | UV | 1:01.904 | 2022-07-27 06:27:10 UTC |
47 | magozonte | 1:04.480 | 2020-03-17 21:37:26 UTC |
48 | Lex4Game | 1:05.312 | 2020-11-14 14:32:31 UTC |
49 | GloomGenetics. | 1:06.656 | 2020-02-15 01:16:18 UTC |
50 | WheedVIKING A RETARDED RAINDEER | 1:06.784 | 2021-11-13 15:15:03 UTC |